Saturday, April 25, 2009


I went out to the fair last night with my family. This was Summer's first time riding amusement park rides, and I was REALLY excited to go. We just had so much fun. Well, Summer and I did. George was in a bit of a funk. He said he was paranoid. Why, I am still not quite sure. Must have been all the swirly lights. Ha. Everything was great EXCEPT the mini roller coaster. That was the ride of death. Never again. 

If you know Summer, you know that she LOVES horses, and I am pretty sure we rode the carousel about 10 times, which was fine with me. I was having too much fun playing with my new camera and testing it out without the use of my flash. I got some absolutely adorable pictures. We're going on vacation next month and I am just thrilled and cannot wait to take my new camera along. Good times!

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